Supply Force International Case Studies

Flood Protection For Large Buildings

At Supply Force, we help customers every day protect their buildings from future flood events, whether they’re residential homes or large commercial buildings.

Large buildings, such as commercial or government buildings, are just as vulnerable to damage from flood waters as residential buildings.

However, their larger footprints can make it particularly challenging to protect the buildings from flooding.

A local council contacted Supply Force to ask for our help protecting one of their buildings.

Fortunately, we had just the solution for them.

The Need

This council has a large main building that was found to be at risk from flood waters rising to around 900mm.

Flood protection is hugely important to the council. If the building was badly damaged during a flood, it would likely be very costly to repair it.

The building could also be closed for a period of time while the damage was repaired, a major inconvenience for council staff and residents.

A much better solution is to prevent the damage in the first place.

The Challenge

The building has large floor to ceiling windows and glass sliding doors at the entry.

This proved to be a complex site to protect as the glass was not deemed fit to be able to withstand the force of 900mm of water against it.

The Solution

We recommended Acquastop flood gates as the ideal solution, as this system is rapid to deploy and through the use of removable columns, can use the barriers and columns to protect large sections of property.

To protect the entire front of the building, 37 metres of Acquastop was used with a combination of columns and barriers, with four columns allowing the system to accommodate a 90 degree angle.

Specially fabricated trolleys were built to transport the barriers and columns.

During deployment training, two people were able to deploy the full system in under 45 minutes, which also included three pedestrian doors and the entrance to the underground car park.

To achieve such a high level of protection of a building in such a short time is a testament to the incredible design of the Acquastop product.

When not in use, the front of the building looks normal – most visitors would not be able to tell that a flood protection system is standing by, ready to be deployed.

Acquastop Classic door flood guards are exclusive to Supply Force International Ltd in New Zealand. A pressure-fitted and custom-made system, this system ensures a tight seal around the door or window frame.

For unexpected flooding situations, it’s fast to deploy and easy to store contact us today.

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